Create positive messaging with students

What’s involved

Creating and posting messages of positivity can improve school and classroom climate, and set a positive tone for positive interactions in the classroom and in the school. This activity also gets students to think about what makes them happy and teaches them the power of a positive attitude. An example of this would be the Power of Positivity Campaign.

In this activity, students have the opportunity to write positive messages that can be posted to bulletin boards, online padlets, slideshows, or school social media pages.

  • Have a discussion with students about what makes them happy.
  • Brainstorm with students about what positivity looks like, sounds like and feels like for themselves and others.
  • Reflect on what positive messages they say to themselves and what positive messages they would like to share with the school.
  • Have the students write these positive messages down to share with the school (e.g., Padlet, Jamboard, or decorative objects to be placed on bulletin boards).

Who can deliver it

  • Teachers
  • School staff
  • Support staff
  • School administration
  • Student leaders

Time commitment

  • 30 minutes for instructions
  • 15 minutes for the activity
  • If you are creating a bulletin board, it might take up to 45 minutes

Resources required

  • Computer
  • Bulletin board materials
  • Programs (e.g., Jam Board and Padlet)
  • Campaign (e.g., Power of Positivity)

Ideal learning environment

  • Long-term virtual learning
  • Short-term virtual learning
  • Hybrid classroom
  • Traditional classroom

Pictures and/or videos of this health promotion practice being delivered​


mental health and wellbeingpositive attitudespositivity