Share resources to limit screen time

What’s involved

Promoting a reduction in screen time is a recommended practice for educators, health professionals, and health champions. Sharing resources with students, families, caregivers and the community can support the reduction of screen time by increasing opportunities for physical activity, healthy eating, and positive well-being. To complete this activity, share resources focusing on screen time reduction.

Who can deliver it

  • School staff
  • School administrators
  • Support staff
  • Student leaders
  • School health champions

Time commitment

  • 5 to 15 minutes

Resources required

  • Computer
  • Printer (if you want to physically send the information home)

Note: if there is the capacity and you want to send information to parents, one can prepare information and then send it out via school social media pages for summer to continue to share healthy messages.

Ideal learning environment

  • Long-term virtual learning
  • Short-term virtual learning
  • Summer break
  • Outdoor education
  • Hybrid classroom
  • Traditional classroom

Pictures and/or videos of this health promotion practice being delivered​

Printable materials (e.g., lesson plans, activity sheets)


challengeresourcesscreen timesedentary behaviour