Parades or drive-by’s

What’s involved

There are several milestones to celebrate in a school community, such as graduations, year-end celebrations, Christmas concerts, among others. School celebrations are key for building school spirit, parent engagement, connection, and energy in the school. Having drive-thrus or drive-bys with families can help build parent and community engagement in schools.

  • Natural vehicle traffic flow is typically built into the school. To keep everyone safe, use this natural traffic flow area (e.g., parent parking lot route, bus lane route) to conduct your drive-thru or drive-by. Ensure that parents are aware of the speed limit of the drive-thru to ensure the safety of everyone.
  • Communicate with parents about the traffic flow, recommendations or considerations for the decoration of vehicles (celebration dependant), and expectations while moving through the drive-thru celebration.
  • School staff should make the drive-thru fun and engaging for participants – music, smiles, and signs of hope, love, and other decorations make it especially memorable for students and families.
  • If you are considering making this a more physically active event, consider encouraging people to arrive on bikes, scooters, and walkers.

Who can deliver it

  • All staff can deliver this activity, as students connect with many different staff in their school.

Time commitment

  • 1 to 3 hours
  • Communications the timeframe is important for parents, who need to accommodate their schedules ahead of time.

Resources required

  • Decorations for vehicles, bikes, scooters, walkers.
  • Area with natural traffic flow, such as the parent parking lot or bus lane route.
  • Method to communicate with parents about the drive-thru.

Ideal learning environment

  • Long-term virtual learning
  • Short-term virtual learning
  • Hybrid classroom

Pictures and/or videos of this health promotion practice being delivered​

