Involve students in Hats On! for Mental Health day activites

What’s involved

Building a positive classroom culture and a strong sense of connection can support students’ social and emotional needs. Hats On! gets students to practice support for one another and for mental health initiatives. The activity involves students putting on their favourite hat, then sharing it in the virtual classroom, sending pictures to their school to post on social media, or posting it on their personal accounts and tagging their school’s social media. This is usually accompanied by discussions around mental health.

Who can deliver it

  • Teachers
  • School staff
  • Principals
  • School districts
  • School leadership
  • Student leaders

Time commitment

  • 15 minutes to 1 hour

Resources required

  • Information about Hats On! for Mental Health from Canadian Mental Health Association, ATA, or your school division.
  • Student access to phone, tablet, computer to take a photo with their hat on
    • if students do not have access to technology with a camera, staff can jump into a meeting with the students and take a screenshot of the student with their hat on

Ideal learning environment

  • Long-term virtual learning
  • Short-term virtual learning
  • Hybrid classroom
  • Traditional classroom

Pictures and/or videos of this health promotion practice being delivered​