Connect families to community mental health resources
What’s involved
Having knowledge of available community resources that enhance positive mental well-being is essential for supporting school community members.
As a school community:
Know the mental health services and resources available in the community.
Know the external agencies that can support the school community in a virtual capacity.
Connect with different groups that can support mental health, like church groups, county family and community support services, Métis nation, tribal chiefs, settlement and band services, and college support networks.
To deliver:
Post mental health support connections to the school’s social media pages.
Stay up-to-date on new services available to your school community.
Post external agency activities and/or events on the school’s social media pages or email the information.
Highlight the activities on the school’s calendar; hyperlink to original pages.
Who can deliver it
Administrative support
Time commitment
1 to 3 hours
Resources required
Hyperlinks to events
Resources to share
Ideal learning environment
Long-term virtual learning
Short-term virtual learning
Hybrid classroom
Traditional classroom
communityfamiliesmental health and wellbeingonlineresourcessocial media